Arts Education
“Theatre lets us dream out loud.”
– A recurring theme from the film Sing Sing
Project Pastime
The Invisible Theatre’s art education programming has several components. We have been one of the nation’s leaders in arts education for special needs students attending public school. Our Pastime Players under the direction of Susan Claassen started as a workshop in 1984 and has grown into a prototype of innovative art education programming that focuses on ability rather than dwelling on disability.
these courageous young people receive standing ovations at each performance and have gained the respect and admiration of their peers and esteemed professionals, including everyone from jazz legends Dame Cleo Laine and Sir John Dankworth to the award-winning actor, Kathleen Chalfant! The Pastime Players’ Touring Troupe has performed throughout Arizona in such diverse venues as the state legislature, Raytheon Corporation, The City of Hope-National Spirit of Life Dinner and at the Senior Olympics Opening Ceremonies. Audiences have ranged in size from 20 to 5,000. The Pastime Players also help to educate a community about the special gifts we all have to share and showcase the best of America’s public education. The Pastime Players exemplifies an innovative project that supports the concept that when artists, teachers, legislators, administrators, funding agents, students and parents come together as a community, we really can make a difference! We are only limited by limited expectations: Expect the most and we get the MOST! Some consider what these young people have achieved as mere dreams, but as Eleanor Roosevelt said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!”